When I pass, speak freely of my shortcomings and my flaws. Learn from them, for I'll have no ego to injure. Aaron McGruderThis memorial website was created to remember our dearest
devin lewis who was born in
United States on
August 14, 1987 and passed away on DEC 27th 2005.You will live forever in our memories and hearts.
this was an amazing person far more amazing then any other person in this world could understand. his family loves him and misses him dearly and so do many others who have been lucky enough to have known him. but may god take care of you for we will meet up again.
his life:
he was born in virginia august 14, 1987 to a kevin and laura mcelroy
with a brother and sister josh and danielle mcelroy
he was very out going straight forward never fake jus doin his way of life type of person always lookn out for his family and friends